On the night of April 21st, 1977, Bill Bartlett and two friends were driving on Farm St. in Dover when they saw a creature walking along a stone wall. At first dismissing it as one of your more run of the mill creatures, they soon realized that it wasn't. Mr. Bartlett "reported it to have a disproportionately large, watermelon-shaped head and illuminated orange eyes, like glass marbles. It had long, thin arms and legs with slender fingers, which it used to grasp onto the pavement. It was hairless and had rough, flesh-toned skin, described as tan and sandpaper-like. The creature's appearance was very plain, with no nose or ears, and no mouth was seen. The witness drawings portray its head as having a skull shape, forming the contour of a circle on top with a more elliptical ending projecting down to include where the nose and mouth would be."
An hour later, two more young men (John Baxter and Pete Mitchell) were walking down a road when they too spotted the creature. According to them, it walked on two legs and ran when it was them approaching.
The final sighting was the next day. A young woman named Abby Brabham and her friend Will Traintor were driving down another road when they saw the creature. Ms. Brabham gave a similar description as the first two, the only difference of her version being that the creature's eyes glowed green, rather than orange.
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